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The Tier1 P10-10 filter should be replaced approximately every 6 months depending on your water quality and usage."`, "product.type": `Whole House Cartridges`, "product.price": `5.14`, "product.vendor": `Tier1`, "product.variants.title": `Default Title`, "product.variants.sku": `TIER1-P10-10`, "collection.title": `Whole House Replacement Filters`, "collection.description": `Whole house water filters provide water filtration at the point of entry to your home. They help ensure quality water throughout your home by cleaning the water at its source, so that every faucet and dispenser throughout your home provides treated water. Filtering water through a whole house water filter helps reduce the risks of both drinking and showering in contaminated water. If you are unsure which filter is right for you, try our filter finder below! If you are looking for a water filter housing or mounting brackets check out our Housing & Mounts page. If you need a higher level of contaminant reduction, such as extremely fine particles or microorganisms like bacteria and virsuses, visit our Reverse Osmosis Systems or UltraViolet Systems offers. If you have any questions give us a call at 1-888-801-7873, we're here to help.`, "collection.products_count": `363`, "article.title": ``, "article.author": ``, "article.excerpt_or_content": ``, "article.content": ``, "article.excerpt": ``, }; const file_name = "62274797720"; const metaDescriptionTag = document.querySelector('meta[name="description"]'); const pageTypeMeta = "product"; function replaceVar(string) { if(!string) return ''; var replacedString = string; for (var key in preAsssignedValue) { if (preAsssignedValue.hasOwnProperty(key)) { replacedString = replacedString.replace(key, preAsssignedValue[key]); } } return replacedString; } var instantPageUrl = "https://cdn.shopify.com/extensions/85902c17-fbef-44bf-b1a6-f65ab1b4b12d/tapita-seo-speed-101/assets/instantpage.js"; var tptMetaDataConfigUrl = false; tptMetaDataConfigUrl = 'https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0622/7479/7720/t/22/assets/tapita-meta-data.json?v=1739986700'; // ADD META WHEN tptMetaDataConfigUrl valid const createMetaTag = (descriptionValue) => { const metaTag = document.createElement('meta'); metaTag.setAttribute('name', 'description'); metaTag.setAttribute('content', descriptionValue); const headTag = document.querySelector('head'); headTag.appendChild(metaTag); } const replaceMetaTagContent = (titleValue, descriptionValue, needReplaceVar) => { const disableReplacingTitle = !!window._tpt_no_replacing_plain_title const disableReplacingDescription = !!window._tpt_no_replacing_plain_desc const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true}; const header = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; let i = 0; const callback = (mutationList, observer) => { i++; const title = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]; const ogTitle = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:title"]'); const twitterTitle = document.querySelector('meta[name="twitter:title"]'); const newTitle = needReplaceVar ? 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Whole House Systems
  • Drinking Water Systems
  • Replacement Filters
  • verified_user Warranty Info
    Warranty Guarantee: Unconditional Product Guarantee for Life of the Product


    10 X 2.5 Spun Wound Polypropylene Replacement Filter by Tier1 (10 micron)

    format_list_bulleted Features & Specs
    Package Qty: 1
    Manufacturer: Tier1
    Manufacturer's Id: P10-10
    UPC: 799932614712
    Actual Size (in): 9 7/8 inches (length) x 2 1/2 inches (outside diameter)
    Media: Spun Wound Polypropylene
    Primary Filter Media: Polypropylene
    Warranty Guarantee: Unconditional Product Guarantee for Life of the Product
    Brand: Tier1
    Advertised Size: 10 x 2-1/2
    Length (in): 9.88 in
    Outside Diameter (in): 2.5 in
    Media Type: Sediment Filter
    UPC's For Search: 799932614712
    Micron Rating Nominal: 10
    Flow Rate (gpm): 5.0
    description Instructions
    1. Each time you replace your filter, clean and inspect the o-ring in between the housing cap and sump
    2. If there is any damage to the o-ring replace it
    3. After cleaning the o-ring apply a silicone lubricant, like OR-LUBRICANT-SM (purchasable separately)
    4. You must use a silicone food grade lubricant--all other types of lubricant could damage the o-ring
    5. Silicone lubricant prevents leaking and extends the life of the o-ring
    warning_amber Contaminants Reduced
  • Dirt
  • Sand
  • Sediment
  • Silt
  • filter_alt Filter Life
    Filter Life (months): 6 months
    verified_user Warranty Info
    Warranty Guarantee: Unconditional Product Guarantee for Life of the Product

    The Tier1 P10-10 Whole House Sediment Water Filter is a 10 micron filter measuring 9-7/8-inch x 2-1/2-inch. The Polypropylene Prefilter has graded density for higher dirt-holding capacity. Tier1 P10-10 cartridges are made of 100% pure polypropylene. Tier1 Sediment Depth Cartridges are perfect prefilters for drinking water systems, Reverse Osmosis Systems, ice machines, and more. The Tier1 P10-10 is tested and certified by NSF International to ANSI/NSF Standard 42 for material requirements only. The Tier1 P10-10 depth water filter removes dirt, particulate, sediment, sand, and silt for improved filtered water. The Tier1 P10-10 filter should be replaced approximately every 6 months depending on your water quality and usage.

    TIER1-P10-10   is comparable with the following part number(s)

    • SDF-25-1010
    • FPMB10-978
    • SDC-25-1010
    • TIER1-P10-10-WF
    • TIER1-P10-10

    TIER1-P10-10   fits the following model number(s)

    • HF-360
    • VIH-34-PR10
    • 158642