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The Tier1 P10-10 filter should be replaced approximately every 6 months depending on your water quality and usage."`, "product.type": `Whole House Cartridges`, "product.price": `5.14`, "product.vendor": `Tier1`, "product.variants.title": `Default Title`, "product.variants.sku": `TIER1-P10-10`, "collection.title": ``, "collection.description": ``, "collection.products_count": ``, "article.title": ``, "article.author": ``, "article.excerpt_or_content": ``, "article.content": ``, "article.excerpt": ``, }; const file_name = "62274797720"; const metaDescriptionTag = document.querySelector('meta[name="description"]'); const pageTypeMeta = "product"; function replaceVar(string) { if(!string) return ''; var replacedString = string; for (var key in preAsssignedValue) { if (preAsssignedValue.hasOwnProperty(key)) { replacedString = replacedString.replace(key, preAsssignedValue[key]); } } return replacedString; } var instantPageUrl = "https://cdn.shopify.com/extensions/c8608ec2-e162-42c1-83c4-107128381798/tapita-seo-speed-100/assets/instantpage.js"; var tptMetaDataConfigUrl = false; tptMetaDataConfigUrl = 'https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0622/7479/7720/t/22/assets/tapita-meta-data.json?v=1739986700'; // ADD META WHEN tptMetaDataConfigUrl valid const createMetaTag = (descriptionValue) => { const metaTag = document.createElement('meta'); metaTag.setAttribute('name', 'description'); metaTag.setAttribute('content', descriptionValue); const headTag = document.querySelector('head'); headTag.appendChild(metaTag); } const replaceMetaTagContent = (titleValue, descriptionValue, needReplaceVar) => { const disableReplacingTitle = !!window._tpt_no_replacing_plain_title const disableReplacingDescription = !!window._tpt_no_replacing_plain_desc const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true}; const header = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; let i = 0; const callback = (mutationList, observer) => { i++; const title = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]; const ogTitle = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:title"]'); const twitterTitle = document.querySelector('meta[name="twitter:title"]'); const newTitle = needReplaceVar ? 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Whole House Systems
  • Drinking Water Systems
  • Replacement Filters
  • verified_user Warranty Info
    Warranty Guarantee: Unconditional Product Guarantee for Life of the Product


    10 X 2.5 Spun Wound Polypropylene Replacement Filter by Tier1 (10 micron)

    format_list_bulleted Features & Specs
    Package Qty: 1
    Manufacturer: Tier1
    Manufacturer's Id: P10-10
    UPC: 799932614712
    Actual Size (in): 9 7/8 inches (length) x 2 1/2 inches (outside diameter)
    Media: Spun Wound Polypropylene
    Primary Filter Media: Polypropylene
    Warranty Guarantee: Unconditional Product Guarantee for Life of the Product
    Brand: Tier1
    Advertised Size: 10 x 2-1/2
    Length (in): 9.88 in
    Outside Diameter (in): 2.5 in
    Media Type: Sediment Filter
    UPC's For Search: 799932614712
    Micron Rating Nominal: 10
    Flow Rate (gpm): 5.0
    description Instructions
    1. Each time you replace your filter, clean and inspect the o-ring in between the housing cap and sump
    2. If there is any damage to the o-ring replace it
    3. After cleaning the o-ring apply a silicone lubricant, like OR-LUBRICANT-SM (purchasable separately)
    4. You must use a silicone food grade lubricant--all other types of lubricant could damage the o-ring
    5. Silicone lubricant prevents leaking and extends the life of the o-ring
    warning_amber Contaminants Reduced
  • Dirt Sand Sediment
  • Sand
  • Sediment
  • Silt
  • filter_alt Filter Life
    Filter Life (months): 6 months
    verified_user Warranty Info
    Warranty Guarantee: Unconditional Product Guarantee for Life of the Product

    The Tier1 P10-10 Whole House Sediment Water Filter is a 10 micron filter measuring 9-7/8-inch x 2-1/2-inch. The Polypropylene Prefilter has graded density for higher dirt-holding capacity. Tier1 P10-10 cartridges are made of 100% pure polypropylene. Tier1 Sediment Depth Cartridges are perfect prefilters for drinking water systems, Reverse Osmosis Systems, ice machines, and more. The Tier1 P10-10 is tested and certified by NSF International to ANSI/NSF Standard 42 for material requirements only. The Tier1 P10-10 depth water filter removes dirt, particulate, sediment, sand, and silt for improved filtered water. The Tier1 P10-10 filter should be replaced approximately every 6 months depending on your water quality and usage.

    TIER1-P10-10   is comparable with the following part number(s)

    • SDF-25-1010
    • FPMB10-978
    • SDC-25-1010
    • TIER1-P10-10-WF
    • TIER1-P10-10

    TIER1-P10-10   fits the following model number(s)

    • HF-360
    • VIH-34-PR10
    • 158642