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The OR-100 rubber gasket is 5.75-inch outside diameter and is a Buna-N FDA grade o-ring
The OR-100 O-Ring gasket is used to seal the housing sump to the housing cap to prevent leaks
The OR-100 o-ring is a lubricated rubber gasket for Big Blue whole house housings. The OR-100 is NOT for Big Clear housings. The OR-100 O-Ring has been branded under Ace Hardware, American Plumber, Ametek, Culligan, Pentek, and USFilter Plymouth Products. The OR-100 o-ring should be replaced every two filter changes or if there is damage to the OR-100 o-ring. The Pentek OR-100 o-ring gasket should be well-lubricated with silicone lubricant to prevent leaks in the water filtration system.