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  • Pro Products


    Pro Products Sani-System SS96WS Water Softener Sanitizer (1 Pack)

    • Sani-System SS96WS is the industry's only EPA and NSF approved sanitizer. SS96WS delivers reliable, effective results every time.

    • SS96WS Sanitizer Liquid Concentrate is proven to kill 99.9% of harmful bacteria without using chlorine oxidizers or acids that can harm system equipment, parts and resin.

    • Made in the U.S.A.

    format_list_bulleted Features & Specs
    Package Qty: 1
    Manufacturer: Pro Products
    Manufacturer's Id: WS-Sani-System-1PK
    UPC: 799932597206
    Brand: Pro Products
    description Instructions
    1. Pour entire packet into the brine well
    2. If no brine well is present, pour entire packet into bottom of brine tank when salt is nearly empty
    3. Manually regenerate the softener according to the manufacturers specifications
    4. Regenerate a second time if necessary
    5. Store sanitizer in a cool, dry location
    6. Rubber gloves are suggested when handling this product--read relevant MSDS before handling product
    7. Do not mix with other chemicals
    file_download Downloads
    warning_amber Contaminants Reduced
  • Bacteria

  • Sani-System SS96W liquid concentrate is effective, efficient, and easy to use. Pro Chemicals SS96WS Water Softener Sanitizer Concentrate is designed to sanitize brine well water softeners and salt-in-head water softeners. SS96WS is available in exact pre-measured doses. Each packet of concentrated formula sanitizes equipment in just 60 seconds. SS96WS Sani-System should be used twice a year. Also, use Sani-System when installing a new water softener, anytime a technician performs maintenance work on your softener, or if a boil order has been issued.

    PRO-PRODUCTS-WS-SANI-SYSTEM-1PK   is comparable with the following part number(s)

    • SS96WS
    • WS-Sani
    • WS-Sani-System
    • WS-Sani-System-1PK